Laser Hair Removal

The Only Hair Removal Technique That Can Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair In A Permanent Manner.

Unlike traditional hair removal methods (wax, razor, depilatory cream, etc.) which require the procedure to be repeated after a few days or weeks, laser hair removal works in a lasting way by destroying the hair follicle, thus preventing it from growing back.

By using the most efficient lasers in the field, the hair removal consists of using the intense beam of light emitted by the laser to destroy the hair at its root.

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Laser Hair Removal

The Only Hair Removal Technique That Can Get Rid Of Unwanted Hair In A Permanent Manner.

Unlike traditional hair removal methods (wax, razor, depilatory cream, etc.) which require the procedure to be repeated after a few days or weeks, laser hair removal works in a lasting way by destroying the hair follicle, thus preventing it from growing back. By using the most efficient lasers in the field, the hair removal consists of using the intense beam of light emitted by the laser to destroy the hair at its root.

Benefits of the Laser Hair Removal

Get smooth skin without the cost of shaving or waxing.


The laser can treat all skin types (light to dark).

6 sessions are the minimum, then depending on the skin, touch-ups can be necessary.

Accutane, tattoos, pregnancy, seizure disorders, anticoagulation therapy, photosensitivity history, HSV, skin infection, keloid scarring

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